Danabol 50

Substance: Methandrostenolone
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Pack: 60 tabs (50mg/tab)

Danabol 10

Substance: Methandrostenolone
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Pack: 100 tabs (10mg/tab)

Calculating Your Bulking Macros

We’ve previously discussed cutting macros, but you should learn how to calculate your bulking macros too as long as you aim to get stacked. In fact, macros play an essential role in all bodybuilding goals. So, if you want to achieve awesome results in the gym, be it gaining muscle, toning up, or whatever else, […]

How To Bulk Up Fast?

Regardless of your ultimate goal, gaining muscle is important. Whether you want to look defined, you need muscles for it. Maybe you want to get strong? You still need muscles. Needless to mention you need muscles if you want to get bigger. So, regardless, you will need to search for the best ways to bulk […]


Methandrostenolone is a legendary anabolic and androgenic steroid – it’s perhaps the most popular orally active steroid out there among bodybuilders. If you find it strange as you never heard of it then there’s a higher chance you’ve heard about Dianabol (Dbol). That’s right, Dianabol is basically Methandrostenolone. This is its active substance name (chemical […]


Dianabol is a popular anabolic and androgenic steroid. Most people call it Dbols by short. Dbols because Dianabol comes as oral pills. *Although injections are still available, nobody uses them. First, because they are offering no advantages over pills. Second, because they are hard to find of high quality. But even if you do, return […]


Dianabol is among the most widely used anabolic steroids ever manufactured. It used to be the most popular and widely used steroid in the past and is perhaps maintaining the same position nowadays. Methandienone is the active substance in Dianabol. But you may shortly hear of it as Dbol. Or another name for the main […]

Dianabol 50mg

Dianabol is the most famous brand of the active substance Methandienone or also known as Methandrostenolone. Most people call Dianabol shortly Dbol and this is a compound that mostly comes as oral pills. Although you may find Methandienone injectable (Dianabol as injection), the compound main form of administration is in form of oral tablets/ pills. […]


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